SysAdmin DAY
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Celebrate SysAdmin Day 2019 with ManageEngine. Share your appreciation for SysAdmins with our ecards, and also play our super fun video game Downtime.... System Administrator Appreciation Day is an international celebration of sysadmins across the globe, official recognition of geekdom and of the.... Don't forget to celebrate the SysAdmin Day 2019 on this Friday, July 26th (tomorrow). I'm very proud to be an IT Pro and System Administrator.. Time to break out the doughnuts and the Starbucks gift cards. Friday is System Administrator Appreciation Day, usually shortened to Sysadmin Day.. . There's a person to thank for that, and that is your system administrator. Thank you, system administrators around the globe for being our heroes. .... System Administrator Day Giveaway! Join & Win A $500 Amazon Coupon. We would like you to join us in .... Yes, Sysadmin day is just around the corner again, as we prepare to recognize business IT's foot soldiers in the war against downtime and.... Can it really be 1011011012 days since the last System Administrator Appreciation day, you ask. Yes, yes .... The last Friday of July is the System Administrator Appreciation Day, or Sysadmin Day! Yay! But what is a sysadmin? And what's the Sysadmin.... It's not really SysAdmin Day unless someone is crowned SysAdmin of the Year! So for the 17th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day we asked all of.... System Administrators work in the shadow 364 days a year, but on the last Friday of July, it's time to show our .... System Administrator Appreciation Day, also known as Sysadmin Day, SysAdminDay, is an annual event created by system administrator Ted Kekatos.. To all the extraordinary sysadmins out there, Happy SysAdmin Day ! We have three exciting activities lined up for you. Complete all of them and you could win.... Plus, tell us your best IT story and you'll get a chance to WIN one of our big prizes! Good luck! Download Altaro VM Backup & WIN. Our SysAdmin Day Contest has.... Wish the SysAdmins in your life a happy System Administrator Day on July 26, 2019! SysAdmin Day is about appreciating the countless hours.... Ahhh, SysAdmin Day. Is there anything better than one ENTIRE day devoted to celebrating SysAdmins? How 'bout a whole week?! That's right, Spiceworks loves.... Don't forget the Annual SysAdmin Appreciation Day. Just like with Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Project Management Day, SysAdmins have.... Happy SysAdmin Day! Wait what exactly is SysAdmin Day? Oh, it's only the single greatest 24 hours on the planet and pretty much the most important holiday.... Because the last Friday of July is System Administrator Appreciation Day, we want to recognize and thank the IT professionals with few funny.... Sysadmin saving the day. System administrators don't wear superhero capes (although they may wear the T-shirts), but they do save the bacon of...
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